What Is Happiness?


What is happiness? Such is a worthy question to consider. I know my definition has certainly changed and evolved through the years. For me, it now takes on a flavor of contentment and not needing much. Recently I had 16 days to really sit with this question as I flowed down the sacredness and grandeur of the Grand Canyon.


I have always found a tremendous amount of happiness being in nature, taking in the spaciousness, the beauty and the equanimity of being outside. Nature has always been a refuge for me but especially during the last year and Covid. As my teacher reminds me, “I have never been rejected in nature.” Being in the canyon for 16 days without distraction was truly an inspiration, touching into what is real and sacred.


Happiness is also remembering what matters most, reflecting on what has heart and meaning. Taking the time to honor and remember my Mom in the canyon, a coming home of sorts in the desert. Also, it was a remembering and experiencing the qualities of my partner that I admire and love. Taking the time to reacquaint myself with his goodness, quiet leadership, heart and generosity. Immense gratitude for him safely guiding us down the flow of the river every day, the continuity of change and adaptability.


And happiness is feeling connected... with ourselves and with others. Slowing down to be present and available to what is real. Experiencing the connection that formed within our group from the very first day; every one of us committed to our safe journey together through wisdom, generosity and a bit of silliness. Forever grateful for this opportunity, for this group of beings and all the laughter along the way… allowing me to remember the goodness, abundance, and blessings that are present in my life. Simply Grand…


Basic Relaxation Meditation


Opening into Awareness Meditation